Comment on Taobao Global Direct Shipping: Review and Guide by camilla.
Hi Eric 🙂 I’m about to purchase a bunch of item using Taobao Global direct shipping, a method I have been using for the past year with no issues so far. However, the Direct Shipping option did not appear today when i was about to make payment. Do you perhaps know the reason why? It cannot be that the vendor does not provide overseas shipping as i’m a regular purchaser of most of these vendors that I am about to make purchases from. Do kindly advice 🙂
camilla Also Commented
Comment on Taobao Global Direct Shipping: Review and Guide
Thank god for this site! Just wondering, I submitted my order on my desktop and selected payment method (my MASTER card). However, there was and error with payment and they redirected me to my alipay account and under the remarks for all my items “等待付款”. Thn I tried paying once again through my mobile Taobao app and there was an error again but this time there was a pop up that says “信用卡可用额度不足,请更换其他付款方式”. Checked my credit card limit and it is $2000SGD and my total buy is only $700SGD. Do you perhaps have a solution?