Comment on Taobao International Shipping: Everything You Need To Know by Fish.
Hi Eric, could you please help me out? I order two of the same items from Taobao but only one arrived. The seller shipped using two consignment notes, only one have arrived. When I tried to check with the forwarder, they are always busy and reply very very slowly or change personnel each time and I have to explain again, but the latest message I got from a Taobao message is this “亲爱的会员,感谢您对淘宝网的支持!关于您咨询的79061163384655714问题,7426309757839这个包裹在海运仓无主件,再次感谢您对淘宝网的支持,祝您生活愉快!” I tried translating in Google but I am pretty sure it is not very accurate in what it means haha. Could you please help translate their meaning? Thank you so very much!