Due to the language barrier, you can easily run into some trouble about your orders, shipping, returns, money .etc when you buy directly from Taobao.
Contacting the Taobao customer service department is the best way to solve your problem, but it is not an easy thing. In fact, it can be difficult to even locate contact information for Taobao anywhere on the website.
To assist you, here are several ways you can get in touch with Taobao customer service when you have a problem with Taobao.
1. how to contact Taobao
Contacting Taobao customer service is not an easy thing, not only for foreigners but for domestic users as well.
Taobao used to offer English online forms and email support, but both have been discontinued in the last two years.
Now for a foreigner who doesn’t speak Chinese, you can only reach them via local phone or social media.
Taobao phone support number:
Hong Kong
- phone number: (852)30183610
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (886)277054306
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (65)31633159
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (60)392125564
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (61)383738606
- working time: Monday-Sunday,7:00-18:00
Other areas
- phone number: (852)30183610
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
When you are from”Other areas”, before making the calling, please notice that it is not a toll-free, it is a HongKong phone number, so the rate will not be cheap.
Taobao sometimes changes the phone number, you can check the original Taobao customer support page here to make sure the contact number is not outdated.
Taobao social media
Their Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/sea.taobao/ or https://www.facebook.com/taobao.global/
On Instagram, they’re — https://www.instagram.com/taobao.official/
On Youtube, here is the link to their channel.
2. how to contact Alipay
when you have problems with your money, payments, refund, bank account, then you need to contact Alipay to solve it.
Alipay phone support number:
Taobao and Alipay share the same phone number, so you can call the Taobao support phone number, after getting through, choose service language and Press “1 “to talk with Alipay support.
Alipay livechat support:
Step 1
Click this link to go to live chat page
Step 2
Copy&paste Chinese keywords”人工客服” in the Dialog and click the grey “发送” button to send this query to their system.
“人工客服” means live human support, so this step is to tell alipay you need to chat with a real person.
Now you will see a blue button with text”连接在线客服”,
Click it and the system will connect you with an Alipay customer support member, and then you can chat with them in English or Chinese.
Hopefully, your issue will be resolved quickly and easily.
3. how to contact your forwarder warehouse
Warehouse plays a key role during the whole Taobao shopping process, your orders will be shipped from seller to warehouse, then from warehouse to your address.
If you are a newbie, you most likely will run into some problems related to it. So It is important you know how to contact the guys there.
contact your warehouse via Your Order management page.
Step 1
Log into your Taobao account, Click [跨境物流管理(cross-border logistics management)] in the upper right corner of Taobao homepage or click here.
Step 2
On the [待集运订单(To be shipped)] tab, you need to select your forwarder(by default, it is 官方配送服务),
you can click [集运操作咨询(Consolidation Consultation)] or [问题咨询(Problem Consultation)] to contact forwarder Customer Service.
or On the [物流订单(Logistics Order)] tab, click on the blue icon to consult with the forwarder Customer Service.
contact your forwarder warehouse via LiveChat
Click the following forwarder link to have a live chat with them, if you are not sure which forwarder you are using, check it from this page.
Region | Forwarder warehouse | ||
United States | 集运空运 | ||
Canada | 官方集运-空运 | ||
Australia | 官方集运-海运 | 官方直送 | 官方集运-空运 |
New Zealand | 集运-4PX递四方速递 | 集运-中通速递 | |
Japan | 集运-4PX递四方速递 | ||
Singapore | 官方集运-海运 | 官方集运-空运 | 官方直送 |
Malaysia | 官方集运-海运 | 官方集运-空运 | 官方直送 |
Hong Kong | 菜鸟-官方直送 | 菜鸟-官方集运 | 集运-顺丰速运 |
Macau | 官方直送 | 集运-顺丰速运 | |
Taiwan | 官方集运-海运快递 | 官方集运-空运 | 集运-4PX递四方速递 |
4. how to contact your Taobao seller
In order to contact the seller, you need to download a software called aliwangwang(阿里旺旺), it is the official chat app.
They have windows, mac, ios, and Android versions, you can download them here.
contact seller on the product page
After logging in to Ali Wangwang, go to the product page, click the blue icon on the right corner of the page.
Contact seller from [已买到的宝贝(purchased)] page
If you have placed an order, go to the on the [已买到的宝贝(purchased)] page you can find the seller aliwangwang right next to the order number.
AliWangwang is the official chat software on Taobao. if there is a dispute in the transaction, you can provide a screenshot of your chat history as valid proof.
Don’t add the seller’s WeChat id if you don’t know him!!
714 thoughts on “How to Contact Taobao Customer Service”
Hi Eric , recently i have proceed a dress in taobao. When i make payment the system shows busy. Bank have deducted the money but taobao shows trading closed. Then how to apply refund? No refund button there will they automatically refund me or there has other way to apply refund? May i know how long its take for refund?
View CommentI ordered two products from two different seller in Taobao. Both the quality was not good and I requested for return. Taobao courier person collected both the product together and gave one receipt. Tracking number is 668491681379. I uploaded the receipt in Taobao. But now the seller of one product (Order number: 3356505060778) is saying he didn’t receive his product, from the tracking number product is sent to some other address so he can’t give the refund. Please help me on this issue
View CommentHi Eric, thank you for the very helpful tips!
In the “Avoid Customs Import Duties” portion of your how to buy from Taobao guide, you talked about how I could “get the forwarder to declare a lower value or marked as a gift etc through aliwangwang.” How exactly would I go about doing this – I know I have to contact my forwarder (Zhongshan Express). Do I just tell them to “mark the package as a gift and declare a lower value of goods”? (Does this have to be in Chinese, or will they have English support too?)
Thank you for your kindness in helping all of us overseas buyers! 🙂 Just wanted to clear this bit up.
View Commenthi, recently i have proceed a dress in taobao. When i make payment the system shows busy. Bank have deducted the money but taobao shows trading closed. Then how to apply refund? No refund button there 🙁 will they automatically refund me or there has other way to apply refund?
View Commentit will be automatically refunded.
View CommentI asked the same question on your refund page today. May I know how long taobao will take to track this mistake and refund?
View CommentHi, the exact same thing happened to me too. Just want to know approximately how long will it take for them to refund?
View Comment我遇到的问题跟他一模一样。想请问它需要等多久才会自动退换?我们需要怎么做?需要要联系银行什么吗?拜托答复
View CommentHi, i have the same issue but not fully refunded while all transaction is rejected. The worst is i tried multiple time and it charge me multiple time and not refund all of it. For example, my purchase plus shipping is 80, they only refund me 70. Why is this so?
View CommentI am experiencing the same problem. Money has been taken out of bank and have not gotten a refund and it’s been 4 days now. Said I did not make payment in time so was cancelled automatically yet money has been taken out of my bank. Are you sure they automatically refund you? and where does the refunded money go(your bank or alipay balance?).
View Commenthi,i need help,i just order from taobao collection,,i need my order arrived before 23 of sept,,is there anyone i can contact with?really need to know how long the shipping is,thanks for u respon,
View Commentjust order from taobao collection lazada
View Commenthi i have the same problem. I proceed a shoes i paid but taobao shows that the money is blocked. at the bank thay told me that i need email massage where is written that this money is not entered on taobao.com and then the bank will refund me. so please send me this information – khatiakh1@gmail.com my taobao name is KHATIA122
View CommentI faced the same problem, i have already make payment and bank have deducted the money however the order status still shows unpaid and now order cancelled. May i know how long will it take for your stated automatic refund?
View CommentHi I just want to ask what will I do coz it’s two days already that my goods arrived to the warehouse but until now there is no order for payment for express delivery,I don’t know what to do
View CommentHi I ordered a high chair to delivered to the Philippines I was tracking the item until I got a message saying they had a problem finding the address then suddenly it shows item delivered and its signed by unknown person I’m having hard time to resolve this issue having left many messages
View CommentMy order number
Feeling very annoyed first time buyer
I had 3 bad experience with TAOBAO. items bought was a 5 drawers
plastic cabinet but received 3 drawers instead, item was returned but have not received any refund even after 1year.
2. Bought 2 plastic cabinet with 5 drawers but only received 1 cabinet, payment for 1 cabinet was refunded
3. Bought 2sets 5 drawers plastic cabinet as show in the picture, but received both items with 3 drawers only. Applied for item to be returned but till today nothing has happen. Probably I was cheated again. So decided not to buy any more goods from TAOBAO
View CommentHi. What happens if I receive a broken item and seller refuses the return?
View CommentI purchase Hidizs AP80 with case but holes dont line up. How do I get proper replacement AP80 case?
View Commentthank you.
View Commentmine is similar but i placed the order and it said order sucvessfully delivered, but i have not receive it. i asked the buyer whr the items went, they told me to check with the shipper but i dont know who shipped the items and i have difficulty in chinese pls help me
View CommentI have big problem..i submit order for two quantity and when i want make a payment cost posting from warehouse to malaysia..its change to one quantity..how?
View CommentYuki… i also facing the same problem like you. When you placed order and able to get your money back yet?
View CommentHi..i want to return the item na dumating sa bahay hindi po kasi ito ang ini order..
View CommentHow can I turn my taoba to English language since I don’t understand Chinese. Pls help
View Commentyou can use google translate.
View CommentHow can I turn my taoba to English language since I don’t understand Chinese. Pls help
View CommentDownload Google Chrome, when you go TaoBao it will auto translate to english. You have to register user id, password, tel. no. in case you forget password. The system will remember your credit card no., (except expiry date, ccv?/cvv?); address where purchases are to be sent to. I use a Mac and Google chrome works fine too. You can also Google “how to buy from TaoBao in English”, their explanation is quite good.
View CommentCan you open up the refund page of an item that I returned that is damaged. The refund page is close so I am unable to apply for a refund.
View CommentHi Eric,
Quick question… how do i track the AWB tracking number?
Up until a couple of weeks ago, you could pay for the international shipping and then you’d have an update on your logistics page with an overseas waybill number which you could have taken to jcex.com\en and track it. They would then give you the equivalent UPS number so that you could track the delivery.
But now, all you have available is a certain AWB number and if you use the forwarder’s website to track the number it just gives you a mistaken number error message.
You know how to get all the forwarding info from this AWB number?
View CommentThanks budd,
try to use this link to track the order:https://www.17track.net/en
View CommentHow to remove my taobao and alipay account
View CommentHi, I requested a refund because the item i bought was out of stock, the status said refund complete, but the progress line hasn’t reached the complete stage and i don’t see any money in my bank account. I contacted the seller and she told me the money is not with her anymore, what do i do??????
View CommentHi, Eric , can you check with Lazada forwarder what is my deliver status
View Comment2018-02-21 18:35 Taobao shipping order number: 118488163190089844 logistics service provider: Lazada
Order No.: 115840678204089844
View baby details ¥ 28.00 Out of library
Order No.: 115858263227089844
View baby details ¥ 120.00 Out of library
Order No.: 115788400582089844
View baby details ¥ 318.00 Out of library
Logistics order details
2018-02-21 18:35 Taobao shipping order number: 118488163190089844 logistics service provider: Lazada
Order No.: 115840678204089844
View baby details ¥ 28.00 Out of library
Order No.: 115858263227089844
View baby details ¥ 120.00 Out of library
Order No.: 115788400582089844
View baby details ¥ 318.00 Out of library
Logistics order details
View Comment2018-03-04 09:23 Taobao shipping order number: 121420880053089844 logistics service provider: Lazada
Order number: 117961454413089844
View baby details ¥ 35.00 Out of library
Logistics order details
View CommentI wasn’t able to choose the Forwarder and was assigned to Lazada directly. Please provide Lazada Forwarder contact number ASAP.
View CommentHI Eric,
Do you have forwarder, LAZADA’s contact ? Either live chat or phone number please?
View CommentI buy 6 drawer and pay RMB 299. I paid RMB 209 for it to deliver. Before Chinese New Year, they said will deliver to me after Chinese New year. Now I call them they said I pay RM 209 for just 1 box must pay another RMB 900 to deliver 5 other boxes. Super disappointed with taobao. Should never have try them. Beware other singaporeans. You are just stupid to shop with them. Stay with Qoo10. Extremely bad services. Cant believe it. They state free shipping that later found out need RMB 200 plus for shipping. Then I pay RMB 200 plus now they said for 1 box.
View CommentHI Eric,
Is there any way to complaint LEL forwarder to taobao? I had purchase some items Nov 17 but I had not received my stuff till Jan 18. So I contacted LEL to check. They kept telling me to verify what I had ordered and telling me that my orders is not correct which I had already showed them all the proof with photos. I even show them the proof that all my stuffs had been received by them which I requested from all sellers. But they just kept telling me that things cannot be matched. And I got to repeat my problems again and again to them whenever I started a chat with them. Finally they admitted that my parcel was lost and will be able to refund me the items amount that was in the parcel which took about 2 months of repeated verification with them. But till today they had not refund me yet. Whenever I check with them, again they were to ask me the same question again to verify my lost items which they had already agreed to refund me back. And even ask me to check with them every 10 days to see if they’ve refunded me. To me it is like “WTH! You lost my parcel and had wasted my time on tracking back my stuff and now you even dare to ask me to track my own refund???!!!” They just simply do not care and are lazy or reluctant to check back on their system for all the records and conversation we had earlier and what problem we are facing. They just simply keep pushing the things around and around just by entertaining you in a way like solving your problem but no action and follow up. If you ask them again they will start the same questions again. And never get the thing done as what they suppose to do. The most funny thing is when I told them that enough is enough and I’m gonna complain to Taobao about them then they finally told me that they are sorry and will refund me next week after all these unpleasant conversations. The whole thing has been going round and round for 3 months. It is so frustrating as nothing had be done or settled.
View CommentThis is the worst service and experience.
I feel that some justice must be done here and to prevent other consumer from facing the same problem as I’m facing. So is there any way to submit such cases to taobao for investigation? I believe that such service will somehow affect other user or consumer to use taobao if they had same experience like me. I feel like kind of lost and helpless when I could not get anyone helped me at that point of time.
I do have all the conversation history with LEL.