Due to the language barrier, you can easily run into some trouble about your orders, shipping, returns, money .etc when you buy directly from Taobao.
Contacting the Taobao customer service department is the best way to solve your problem, but it is not an easy thing. In fact, it can be difficult to even locate contact information for Taobao anywhere on the website.
To assist you, here are several ways you can get in touch with Taobao customer service when you have a problem with Taobao.
1. how to contact Taobao
Contacting Taobao customer service is not an easy thing, not only for foreigners but for domestic users as well.
Taobao used to offer English online forms and email support, but both have been discontinued in the last two years.
Now for a foreigner who doesn’t speak Chinese, you can only reach them via local phone or social media.
Taobao phone support number:
Hong Kong
- phone number: (852)30183610
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (886)277054306
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (65)31633159
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (60)392125564
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (61)383738606
- working time: Monday-Sunday,7:00-18:00
Other areas
- phone number: (852)30183610
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
When you are from”Other areas”, before making the calling, please notice that it is not a toll-free, it is a HongKong phone number, so the rate will not be cheap.
Taobao sometimes changes the phone number, you can check the original Taobao customer support page here to make sure the contact number is not outdated.
Taobao social media
Their Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/sea.taobao/ or https://www.facebook.com/taobao.global/
On Instagram, they’re — https://www.instagram.com/taobao.official/
On Youtube, here is the link to their channel.
2. how to contact Alipay
when you have problems with your money, payments, refund, bank account, then you need to contact Alipay to solve it.
Alipay phone support number:
Taobao and Alipay share the same phone number, so you can call the Taobao support phone number, after getting through, choose service language and Press “1 “to talk with Alipay support.
Alipay livechat support:
Step 1
Click this link to go to live chat page
Step 2
Copy&paste Chinese keywords”人工客服” in the Dialog and click the grey “发送” button to send this query to their system.
“人工客服” means live human support, so this step is to tell alipay you need to chat with a real person.
Now you will see a blue button with text”连接在线客服”,
Click it and the system will connect you with an Alipay customer support member, and then you can chat with them in English or Chinese.
Hopefully, your issue will be resolved quickly and easily.
3. how to contact your forwarder warehouse
Warehouse plays a key role during the whole Taobao shopping process, your orders will be shipped from seller to warehouse, then from warehouse to your address.
If you are a newbie, you most likely will run into some problems related to it. So It is important you know how to contact the guys there.
contact your warehouse via Your Order management page.
Step 1
Log into your Taobao account, Click [跨境物流管理(cross-border logistics management)] in the upper right corner of Taobao homepage or click here.
Step 2
On the [待集运订单(To be shipped)] tab, you need to select your forwarder(by default, it is 官方配送服务),
you can click [集运操作咨询(Consolidation Consultation)] or [问题咨询(Problem Consultation)] to contact forwarder Customer Service.
or On the [物流订单(Logistics Order)] tab, click on the blue icon to consult with the forwarder Customer Service.
contact your forwarder warehouse via LiveChat
Click the following forwarder link to have a live chat with them, if you are not sure which forwarder you are using, check it from this page.
Region | Forwarder warehouse | ||
United States | 集运空运 | ||
Canada | 官方集运-空运 | ||
Australia | 官方集运-海运 | 官方直送 | 官方集运-空运 |
New Zealand | 集运-4PX递四方速递 | 集运-中通速递 | |
Japan | 集运-4PX递四方速递 | ||
Singapore | 官方集运-海运 | 官方集运-空运 | 官方直送 |
Malaysia | 官方集运-海运 | 官方集运-空运 | 官方直送 |
Hong Kong | 菜鸟-官方直送 | 菜鸟-官方集运 | 集运-顺丰速运 |
Macau | 官方直送 | 集运-顺丰速运 | |
Taiwan | 官方集运-海运快递 | 官方集运-空运 | 集运-4PX递四方速递 |
4. how to contact your Taobao seller
In order to contact the seller, you need to download a software called aliwangwang(阿里旺旺), it is the official chat app.
They have windows, mac, ios, and Android versions, you can download them here.
contact seller on the product page
After logging in to Ali Wangwang, go to the product page, click the blue icon on the right corner of the page.
Contact seller from [已买到的宝贝(purchased)] page
If you have placed an order, go to the on the [已买到的宝贝(purchased)] page you can find the seller aliwangwang right next to the order number.
AliWangwang is the official chat software on Taobao. if there is a dispute in the transaction, you can provide a screenshot of your chat history as valid proof.
Don’t add the seller’s WeChat id if you don’t know him!!
714 thoughts on “How to Contact Taobao Customer Service”
Hi Eric,
FIrst issues, I having problem on getting my items and Lazada shipment service face lot of problem. i have paid overall 70.78yuan for 6 item on lazada haiyun service. but 3 items not at they warehouse and the information on taobao shipment suddenly change from item at Lazada haiyun shipment warehouse to unknown…? and require more payment for the item that i already paid for it to be ship. only lazada transportation is worse.
Second issues, i have wrongly press the item haven’t receive to to received? can i undo it and will it caused me trouble where my item still unknown at where… the lazada warehouse can’t detect my item although my item stated at they site. Any solution to this. I not pro in chinese read/write so i messed up. Really appreciate a help.
Thank you.
View CommentThanks a lot Eric…
View CommentYour post help me a lot…
It seems the live chat is not available in english anymore. If you write an email you just don’t get an answer at all, and both numbers listed as “others” ((852)30183610 or (852)22155300) are not connected with an account anymore.
So actually there is NO custermer service for people who can’t speak fluent chinese on taobao.
Good that I had a chinese person to help me, but it didn’t matter because also the chinese customer support seems powerless. They asked the seller to send me the product, he refused and that is it.
I bought a product on taobao, payed twice, got two times the wrong product and now the seller refuses to send me what I payed for.
Until now I just had positiv experiences with taobao but it seems if someone really wants to cheat you there is absolutely nothing the support can do.
View Commentagreed. i am out nearly $300 american dollars due to these isssues
View Commenthey, i ordered a pair of shoes but it says that it contraband and that my package can not be properly stored and to contact Zhongshan courier
View Commentsame bro how do we fix this
View CommentHello, I am not able to login to my Taobao account. I am getting an error message 很抱歉,您查看的页面找不到了!
天猫首页| 天猫超市| 天猫国际
Please help me
View CommentHi, I ordered a few items in a single order. However, one of the item didn’t reach me. Then I noticed that the recover stopped at the warehouse and didn’t send to Singapore. Seller said address given to her is such. How can a single order with different mailing address?
View CommentHi Eric,
View CommentI am unable to log in to my taobao account. This is the error message. 该账户已被冻结,暂时无法登录. I think my account has been frozen. I really need to log in to my account to get the way bill numbers for about 10 orders I made last week. I need to give those way bill numbers to the oversea shipping company. Could you let me know how to solve this problem? thank you
Hi chan, do you able to settle this problem.im having same problem too.
View CommentHi,
can you please put on the list Macedonia +389, I like to register and make purchase.
BR, Dimitar
View CommentI can not fine my account and password, can not even re-register under the same email address, please help. Thank You.
View CommentFor the English Live Chat Support
Which one do I choose?
View CommentHi eric. Ive ordered 4 items. On the tracking system stated that all the items had “sent off”. But the tracking system does not been updated for 4 days. The question is, who that I can contact to get rhe latest activities for my shipment?
View Commentyou should conact your forwarder.
View Commenthow to contact forwarder? will they be able to speak english?
View CommentMy refunded money did not go through plus the contact number did not work dor taobao anymore
View CommentHello Eric,
My parcel has not arrived yet (10 days late), I’m unable to track in Skynet, seller asked me to contact China warehouse but didn’t further elaborate to help. However as stated on the delivery info, Zhongtong is the warehouse, Kuadi is the logistic company. So, 2 questions:
1. Is Zhongtong is the same as Zhongshan(stated above in your blog)?
2. If they are the same, should I reach out to Zhongsan or Kuadi to sort this out?
I do not read Chinese so everything is a bit messed up.
Thank you!
View CommentZTO is zhongtong,not zhongshan,you need to contact ZTO through livechat.
View CommentServe you right that you do not read Chinese. Go buy from “English” sites lor. LOL. I look down on people like you.
View Commentbitch
View CommentHi Eric , I wish to know the thing I order form taobao, why the flight delay for many days ?? They come out form the details is 21/03/17 will be landed , but today it’s already 27/03/17. Is it any wrong with it ??
View CommentHI,I don’t know,you can contact your forwarder to ask him this question.
View CommentHi,Eric
View CommentI have order 6 item in taobao but I just receive 5 item.. My last item no send out n still pending to delivered.. And say I did not do payment international shipping on it.i wanted to pay the international shipping but cant. I ask for seller refund and they reject it.. How can I get my good or refund??already contact seller n aliwangwang too..
HI,if the seller send all 6 items to the warehouse,then you should contact your forwarder warehouse to resolve this issue.
View CommentI can already see how this is going to end.
I tried contacting the forwarder first, thinking that they might have shipped two boxes, but they said they only shipped one box, and they said it was everything they got, and told me to contact the seller instead. Except in this case, it’s two different sellers, and the forwarded package was missing some items from each order. So now there is this stupid mess where I have to contact two sellers about the order, and that stupid contact seller button on the site doesn’t even do anything so I’m running out of ideas.
Plus even when I finally get through to someone, they’ll just say that they did ship it to the forwarder, and I’ll have to contact the forwarder again. And thinking about it rationally, there’s no way two sellers screwed up at the same time, so it’s obviously the forwarder! So basically, don’t trust JCEX, they steal your shit.
But anyway, assuming both sides deny that they did it, what then?
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