Due to the language barrier, you can easily run into some trouble about your orders, shipping, returns, money .etc when you buy directly from Taobao.
Contacting the Taobao customer service department is the best way to solve your problem, but it is not an easy thing. In fact, it can be difficult to even locate contact information for Taobao anywhere on the website.
To assist you, here are several ways you can get in touch with Taobao customer service when you have a problem with Taobao.
1. how to contact Taobao
Contacting Taobao customer service is not an easy thing, not only for foreigners but for domestic users as well.
Taobao used to offer English online forms and email support, but both have been discontinued in the last two years.
Now for a foreigner who doesn’t speak Chinese, you can only reach them via local phone or social media.
Taobao phone support number:
Hong Kong
- phone number: (852)30183610
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (886)277054306
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (65)31633159
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (60)392125564
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (61)383738606
- working time: Monday-Sunday,7:00-18:00
Other areas
- phone number: (852)30183610
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
When you are from”Other areas”, before making the calling, please notice that it is not a toll-free, it is a HongKong phone number, so the rate will not be cheap.
Taobao sometimes changes the phone number, you can check the original Taobao customer support page here to make sure the contact number is not outdated.
Taobao social media
Their Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/sea.taobao/ or https://www.facebook.com/taobao.global/
On Instagram, they’re — https://www.instagram.com/taobao.official/
On Youtube, here is the link to their channel.
2. how to contact Alipay
when you have problems with your money, payments, refund, bank account, then you need to contact Alipay to solve it.
Alipay phone support number:
Taobao and Alipay share the same phone number, so you can call the Taobao support phone number, after getting through, choose service language and Press “1 “to talk with Alipay support.
Alipay livechat support:
Step 1
Click this link to go to live chat page
Step 2
Copy&paste Chinese keywords”人工客服” in the Dialog and click the grey “发送” button to send this query to their system.
“人工客服” means live human support, so this step is to tell alipay you need to chat with a real person.
Now you will see a blue button with text”连接在线客服”,
Click it and the system will connect you with an Alipay customer support member, and then you can chat with them in English or Chinese.
Hopefully, your issue will be resolved quickly and easily.
3. how to contact your forwarder warehouse
Warehouse plays a key role during the whole Taobao shopping process, your orders will be shipped from seller to warehouse, then from warehouse to your address.
If you are a newbie, you most likely will run into some problems related to it. So It is important you know how to contact the guys there.
contact your warehouse via Your Order management page.
Step 1
Log into your Taobao account, Click [跨境物流管理(cross-border logistics management)] in the upper right corner of Taobao homepage or click here.
Step 2
On the [待集运订单(To be shipped)] tab, you need to select your forwarder(by default, it is 官方配送服务),
you can click [集运操作咨询(Consolidation Consultation)] or [问题咨询(Problem Consultation)] to contact forwarder Customer Service.
or On the [物流订单(Logistics Order)] tab, click on the blue icon to consult with the forwarder Customer Service.
contact your forwarder warehouse via LiveChat
Click the following forwarder link to have a live chat with them, if you are not sure which forwarder you are using, check it from this page.
Region | Forwarder warehouse | ||
United States | 集运空运 | ||
Canada | 官方集运-空运 | ||
Australia | 官方集运-海运 | 官方直送 | 官方集运-空运 |
New Zealand | 集运-4PX递四方速递 | 集运-中通速递 | |
Japan | 集运-4PX递四方速递 | ||
Singapore | 官方集运-海运 | 官方集运-空运 | 官方直送 |
Malaysia | 官方集运-海运 | 官方集运-空运 | 官方直送 |
Hong Kong | 菜鸟-官方直送 | 菜鸟-官方集运 | 集运-顺丰速运 |
Macau | 官方直送 | 集运-顺丰速运 | |
Taiwan | 官方集运-海运快递 | 官方集运-空运 | 集运-4PX递四方速递 |
4. how to contact your Taobao seller
In order to contact the seller, you need to download a software called aliwangwang(阿里旺旺), it is the official chat app.
They have windows, mac, ios, and Android versions, you can download them here.
contact seller on the product page
After logging in to Ali Wangwang, go to the product page, click the blue icon on the right corner of the page.
Contact seller from [已买到的宝贝(purchased)] page
If you have placed an order, go to the on the [已买到的宝贝(purchased)] page you can find the seller aliwangwang right next to the order number.
AliWangwang is the official chat software on Taobao. if there is a dispute in the transaction, you can provide a screenshot of your chat history as valid proof.
Don’t add the seller’s WeChat id if you don’t know him!!
714 thoughts on “How to Contact Taobao Customer Service”
I wish to make a complain to Tao Boa recently bought things thru Tao Bao webside from this company
Chaozhou Lexi Ceramic Company.
TEL : 0086-768-2315717
EMAIL ; leisale3@lexi365.com
Hi Ivan ,
This Cynthia from Sensuous beauty.
May i know when are you sending to us the balance of teapot set undeliver to us.
The lost in the transit from your forwarder could not put it in your client responsiblity, moreover this is a small amount and shipping fees.
Kindly sent to me whatever I have purchased from you. If you do not want to bare the lost, please advice what is the shippment fees but the balance of the lost goods please send to us.
My order as below : 10 sets teapot of RMB54 = 540 RMB
10 sets of RMB34 = 340 RMB
2 set Mugs of RMB56 =112 RMB
Total = RMB310 + RMB340
I have been sending you whatapp message to you which your hand phone is not available to response me.
My clients have been chasing me for thier teapot set.
I have paid SGD$130 but it only come with 2 teapots. Is very expensive is paid at this price for just 2 teapot set come to me.
I hope you will keep your promised to sent the balance goods to me .
i hope to hear from your favourable reply.
Kindly please give a simple response to me in whatapp in what is the outcome.
Thank you
Best regards,
View CommentCynthia
hello.. i wanna ask.. … i proceed for payment..and enter my cc then clik pay..suddenly…. payment the system shows busy and failed… so i went to my order and noted awaiting payment.. so i try pay again and transation succes…. then i receive sms tht my credit charge for 2 times for single item.how to apply refund? and how to contact them or they automatically refund me..pleasee help me brother
View CommentDo you have the link to 海外运输LAZADA sea shipping? Apparantly the goods i bought weight 1.8kg but they are charging me 6kg for one item, preparing for shipping to SIngpaore. Thanks a lot!!
View Commenthey!
View Commenti also have a question. What should I do if my goods are refused by the shipping agent. i ordered wigs to japan but it seems they can’t deliver? customer service didn’t answer and it’s been two days.
Hi Eric. I’m Norliza. I have make an order for some items from your warehouse through Lazada on 4th June 2018. Until now the action just being verified. For your information the order reference number is 203116060502458. Could you inform me the status of my order item please. I attach the detail of my order below.
European-style Rectangular Table Cover and Chair Cover
No Warranty
Qty: 1
Flower blue cloth in European dining chair mat suit chair package tablecloth coffee table cloth table cover cushion sets suit
No Warranty
Qty: 1
European-style Rectangular Table Cover and Chair Cover
No Warranty
View CommentQty: 1
Hi eric, quick qns. I added my items to the cart and was ready to checkout and make payment, but why they did not let me select certain items it was still in stock but i cant buy/pay for it when i was checking out.
View CommentHi i see 618 sale in taobao i saw some products in offer written 618 and something in chinese that means will there be more discount on 618 ? Or same offer will continue on 618 also
View CommentHi Eric, i ordered a few items and is currently waiting for all to arrive at the warehouse. However, there are 2 items(from the same seller) that has yet to arrive after 11days. Can u ask for advice on how i should proceed?
View Commentmy name is xiulin do you have any screen protector for mi note lte
View Commenthi. my item got missing . I called seller, forwarder, and TB all cannot locate item
nobody know where is the item now. can you help. we suspect is in Singapore.
View CommentHi Eric,
My package has been delivered to the warehouse already but it is not updated on the tracking hence I can’t proceed. How do I resolve this issue?
View CommentHey there!
View CommentIt seems that Taobao have taken out multiple amounts of money from my bank that is way great than what I bought. All of it seems to have cleared and I’m wondering how I can chat with someone to ask why this has happened and obviously get a refund? I’ve tried the Aliwangwang app but its difficult to navigate due to being all in chinese mandarin.
Hi Eric, is there anyway to contact taobao lazada forwarder? The freight charges stated and the charges that they charged is totally out. My item total 8.007kg, make it 9kg.
Freight charges 0-30kg: every 1kg ¥14.50; cap at ¥315
9kg x ¥14.50 = ¥130.50 but now they charged me ¥330.38.
Thank you.
View Commenti cant register in the website because i cant find my country international phone index
View Commentand without phone number i cant register
tried to contact them but no success because i dont understand chinese
i always got the yellow bee bot
no human contact
any help ?
Hi Eric,
I’ve purchased 3 things from taobao. I’ve received one and the other two said that they’ve been delivered and signed for… in different provinces AND it says they were last at a shipping warehouse. The phone numbers given are false 5 number digits and when I try to track it, it says the numbers are false. How do I handle this?
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