Due to the language barrier, you can easily run into some trouble about your orders, shipping, returns, money .etc when you buy directly from Taobao.
Contacting the Taobao customer service department is the best way to solve your problem, but it is not an easy thing. In fact, it can be difficult to even locate contact information for Taobao anywhere on the website.
To assist you, here are several ways you can get in touch with Taobao customer service when you have a problem with Taobao.
1. how to contact Taobao
Contacting Taobao customer service is not an easy thing, not only for foreigners but for domestic users as well.
Taobao used to offer English online forms and email support, but both have been discontinued in the last two years.
Now for a foreigner who doesn’t speak Chinese, you can only reach them via local phone or social media.
Taobao phone support number:
Hong Kong
- phone number: (852)30183610
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (886)277054306
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (65)31633159
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (60)392125564
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
- phone number: (61)383738606
- working time: Monday-Sunday,7:00-18:00
Other areas
- phone number: (852)30183610
- working time: Monday-Sunday,9:00-18:00
When you are from”Other areas”, before making the calling, please notice that it is not a toll-free, it is a HongKong phone number, so the rate will not be cheap.
Taobao sometimes changes the phone number, you can check the original Taobao customer support page here to make sure the contact number is not outdated.
Taobao social media
Their Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/sea.taobao/ or https://www.facebook.com/taobao.global/
On Instagram, they’re — https://www.instagram.com/taobao.official/
On Youtube, here is the link to their channel.
2. how to contact Alipay
when you have problems with your money, payments, refund, bank account, then you need to contact Alipay to solve it.
Alipay phone support number:
Taobao and Alipay share the same phone number, so you can call the Taobao support phone number, after getting through, choose service language and Press “1 “to talk with Alipay support.
Alipay livechat support:
Step 1
Click this link to go to live chat page
Step 2
Copy&paste Chinese keywords”人工客服” in the Dialog and click the grey “发送” button to send this query to their system.
“人工客服” means live human support, so this step is to tell alipay you need to chat with a real person.
Now you will see a blue button with text”连接在线客服”,
Click it and the system will connect you with an Alipay customer support member, and then you can chat with them in English or Chinese.
Hopefully, your issue will be resolved quickly and easily.
3. how to contact your forwarder warehouse
Warehouse plays a key role during the whole Taobao shopping process, your orders will be shipped from seller to warehouse, then from warehouse to your address.
If you are a newbie, you most likely will run into some problems related to it. So It is important you know how to contact the guys there.
contact your warehouse via Your Order management page.
Step 1
Log into your Taobao account, Click [跨境物流管理(cross-border logistics management)] in the upper right corner of Taobao homepage or click here.
Step 2
On the [待集运订单(To be shipped)] tab, you need to select your forwarder(by default, it is 官方配送服务),
you can click [集运操作咨询(Consolidation Consultation)] or [问题咨询(Problem Consultation)] to contact forwarder Customer Service.
or On the [物流订单(Logistics Order)] tab, click on the blue icon to consult with the forwarder Customer Service.
contact your forwarder warehouse via LiveChat
Click the following forwarder link to have a live chat with them, if you are not sure which forwarder you are using, check it from this page.
Region | Forwarder warehouse | ||
United States | 集运空运 | ||
Canada | 官方集运-空运 | ||
Australia | 官方集运-海运 | 官方直送 | 官方集运-空运 |
New Zealand | 集运-4PX递四方速递 | 集运-中通速递 | |
Japan | 集运-4PX递四方速递 | ||
Singapore | 官方集运-海运 | 官方集运-空运 | 官方直送 |
Malaysia | 官方集运-海运 | 官方集运-空运 | 官方直送 |
Hong Kong | 菜鸟-官方直送 | 菜鸟-官方集运 | 集运-顺丰速运 |
Macau | 官方直送 | 集运-顺丰速运 | |
Taiwan | 官方集运-海运快递 | 官方集运-空运 | 集运-4PX递四方速递 |
4. how to contact your Taobao seller
In order to contact the seller, you need to download a software called aliwangwang(阿里旺旺), it is the official chat app.
They have windows, mac, ios, and Android versions, you can download them here.
contact seller on the product page
After logging in to Ali Wangwang, go to the product page, click the blue icon on the right corner of the page.
Contact seller from [已买到的宝贝(purchased)] page
If you have placed an order, go to the on the [已买到的宝贝(purchased)] page you can find the seller aliwangwang right next to the order number.
AliWangwang is the official chat software on Taobao. if there is a dispute in the transaction, you can provide a screenshot of your chat history as valid proof.
Don’t add the seller’s WeChat id if you don’t know him!!
714 thoughts on “How to Contact Taobao Customer Service”
I’ve been trying to verify alipay. and it keeps coming up with information wanting my bank account card, i don’t have a chinese bank card and it won’t accept my united states debit card. I need to verify the alipay account to be able to get a refund back. please please help me!
View CommentHi,call their customer service,they will provide you a solution based on your country.
View CommentWill u recommend EZbuy? How do u rate it? Thanks!!><
View CommentHow to buy larger item in taboos?
View Commentuse a taobao agent
View CommentYou can buy Aliwangwang english version on ebay.com: search “Aliwangwang Taobao messenger english version”.
View CommentHi Eric, I am having a problem and can’t figure out how to get it resolved. I ordered two items from a seller and he shipped them separately. The first one made it to the Jiacheng USPS warehouse just fine and is being forwarded to me now. The second one gave me this error message after it was signed for at the warehouse: “很抱歉,您的包裹因拆单发货原因无法正常入库,请速与佳成集货商联系”. How on earth do I contact these people, I just want my package. I seem to just end up in robot help chats that do nothing useful.
View Commenttry to contact them at their work time.
View CommentWhat did this turn out to be exactly? I have the exact same message on my latest one and have to deal with it tomorrow once working hours roll around again.
View CommentHi Eric, I bought an item with defects that I can’t live with. The item is 5.27kg and it’s already here with me. It was sent by ZTO using Taobao Global Direct. I’m requesting with seller for an exchange now on aliwangwang and have not clicked on anything on my taobao. My problem is how do I return to seller now, in the most economic way. I still have 18 days on my counter. Thanks in advance!!
View CommentHI,the taobao official forwarder do not support shipping from your address to China,so you need to find a local forwarder or shipping company that can do this.
View CommentHi Eric,
I’ve been searching you blog but most of the refund request are usually made with the seller. However, I have received a package that is supposed to be sent to another person and i think she has mine, because the shipping label is written under my name but i found a shipping form inside that said the goods belong to someone else. So this is probably the forwarding courier mistake, not the seller. Who should i contact in this case?
Thanks in advance!!!
View Commentyou should contact the forwarder,see this article:https://world.taobao.com/helper/knowledge.htm?spm=a312a.7762693.2015080302.6.I4qcoS&kid=13451170
View CommentHi Eric,
Can you amend your above guide by explaining: “How to file a Claim on Taobao”? Is it the same as “Asking for Refund”? You mentioned in several articles that buyers can discuss return and refund with sellers. Is it usually done within a Claim Process, or informally? For example, on Ebay and AliExpress, when a buyer contacts a seller after the item is paid, many “contact reasons” would result in automatic opening a Case with portal. If the seller does not reply or resolve the issue, the buyer can escalate this Case to a Claim within the deadlines. Does Taobao use the same system, or seller-to-buyer communication is purely informal, voluntary, and not restricted by deadlines?
View CommentHI,Sam
1.Is it the same as “Asking for Refund”?
No,they are not the same.”file a Claim”on taobao is more like a complaint on seller behavior.if you want a after sales service,you’d better go throught “request a refund” process.
2.Is it usually done within a Claim Process, or informally?
this discuss is informal.
3.Does Taobao use the same system, or purely informal?
Taobao is totally different from ebay,aliexpress or paypal.
View CommentHi Eric,
I’m in the US and I made a purchase from Taobao, but didn’t get an order confirmation in any shape or form. I registered through my mobile number but, I can’t login to my account because they do not have any record of it. The only record I have is being charged on my card for the purchase. Is there any way you can help me track my purchase?
View Commenttry to call taobao English customer service.
View CommentHi Eric, I’ve problem with my Taobao account. 6 day my account was blocked to access because of security issues. That was my fault, opened the account synchronize (using laptop and PC at the same time). The problem is my parcel already in 4px warehouse. So, how to unblocked my account from this issues, because I need to pay my parcel asap. Please help me. Tq Eric.
View Commenttheir customer service said you need to call them to slove your account problems.you can find their phone number from the post above.
View Commenttq eric for your respond and update the post “Taobao’s English Telephone Support”. tq so much sir!
View CommentHi i can’ t make a registration in taobao. Always the servers are busy. Please help me to
View Commentmake a registration. Thank you
they are updating their system.
View CommentHello mr Eric, recently I had made payment on taobao and due to seller can’t shipping to oversea, both parties decided to make refund. The taobao statement said the refund was made however it’s been a week and my account still never received the fund…. Please help and thank you
View Commentrefund will be sent to your alipay account.so please check your alipay account.and have you try to contact the taobao customer service?
View CommentHi Eric, i placed an order for a jacket on Taobao since the 10th of this month, but its stuck on this message “2016-09-13 13:23:52广东省中山市黄圃公司 已签收 签收人:邮件收发章” and its been on this since then what do i do?
View Commentyou need to contact your forwarder,which is Zhongshan courier.
View CommentI have made an order from taobao and payment thru alipay.
The problem now is my order are not reflected in the order list. Only a few item is reflected.
The bank have charge the amount already.
kindly advice
View CommentHi Eric, please I am a foreigner living in China. I created an alipay account and taobao but I cannot buy things on taobao. I get a notice whenever making a purchase that my account is under single protection and to try later. The message was in Chinese and I translated with baidu translate. I am unable to contact taobao by the above options. Please assist me. You can message me by tekuor@gmail.com please help me
View Commentwhat kind of help do you need? you can contact me here:https://www.howtotao.com/contact/
View CommentI have managed to get an account. However, the form I have to fill out about my address is stuck (shipping information) and it will not let me go any further. It is stuck. How do I fill out the form? Also, everything is in Chinese. What do I do??
View Comment