Hi eric.. i have one big problem..i cannot modify nor …

Comment on How to Change Your Mobile Number on Taobao by ezanyayang.

hi eric.. i have one big problem..i cannot modify nor delete old adress from my taobao list..i have 4 different address that are being kept now

ezanyayang Also Commented

Comment on How to Change Your Mobile Number on Taobao

im really hoping u could help me with this problem because i have tried clicking the delete button but it kept bringing me to Sorry!Page cannot access page..my email nori3an@yahoo.com

Recent Comments by ezanyayang

Comment on How To Buy Directly From Taobao:The Complete Guide

hi eric..please help .. her’s part of the logistic information that confuse me..

04:57:15【中国】[广州市]快件已到达 广州转运中心
05:34:52【中国】[广州市]广州转运中心 已发出
09:11:34【中国】广东省广州市嘉和 已收入
09:11:34【中国】[广州市]广东省广州市嘉和派件员:胡海兰 02036748266正在为您派件

so on March-04 my items are expected to arrive but i only placed my order on March 26.. I also dont understand the last update which says my item has been delivered to warehouse..which warehouse is it referring to? Malaysia warehouse or china?

I also had to extend the receipt time..on the order details page, the transshipment information says this : Current transport status: You have to pay freight forwarding, transport providers are shipped to overseas, you can view the details of transport logistics.

But i have paid the overseas shipping..

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