1688.com opened 3 stores on Taobao, here are the links:
- https://o86yk27nu3gn1w2xb3dlhs679w85b7i.taobao.com
- https://1688qy.tmall.com/
- https://1688hjx.tmall.com
The suppliers for these stores are all 1688 quality sellers and the prices of the products are all wholesale prices on their 1688 page.
Buying products from these stores is equal to buying products from 1688.
This is a good thing for many users who can’t purchase directly from 1688, because Taobao supports international shipping to 15 countries and international bank cards.
if you are a small business and you want to wholesale from 1688, you can try these stores.
Another thing is that Taobao offers sea shipping to some countries which can greatly reduce your logistics costs ,
so your total cost will be very, very low and even Chinese sellers won’t be able to compete with you.