Comment on Best Taobao Agent of 2023: My Picks and Why I Choose Them by Maryna.
Hey! I copy the product link from Taobao and paste it on cssbuy. The item is not found. What to do? I work through a mobile application.
Maryna Also Commented
Comment on Best Taobao Agent of 2023: My Picks and Why I Choose Them
Hello! What do you think about Cargo delivery? Tell me, what is the official site of this forwarder? How to find out the working conditions?
Comment on Best Taobao Agent of 2023: My Picks and Why I Choose Them
Thank you very much, now I figured out how to calculate only the shipping cost.
Reading the information on your website, I can conclude that you have a huge experience of working with the Chinese market and agents, too, and you also really love what you do!
Unfortunately, I cannot speak Chinese, which is a pity)), but in one of your articles there is such a phrase that if you’d prefer to trade in Russian, there are plenty of taobao agents in your language.
Tell me how can I find the cheapest agent in Russian?
Comment on Best Taobao Agent of 2023: My Picks and Why I Choose Them
Hey! Please tell me how and where to find a Taobao agent with cheap delivery from China to Belarus (if you consider that the cost of the parcel must be 159 yuan, and the weight is 1.3 kg)?
Please explain in what cases, when calculating the cost of delivery, the price of a product can be specified as 0 yuan, and in what cases it is necessary to indicate the real price of the product ?!
Recent Comments by Maryna
Comment on How To Buy Directly From Taobao:The Complete Guide
Hello! Thank you for sharing useful information and taking your time. I am from Belarus, I want to learn how to buy goods in China much cheaper than on Aliexpress)). Now I am studying your articles about taobao. But I was faced with the fact that in our country there are the following duty-free import limits for goods from China: 1) no more than 200 euros and 31 kilograms per month; 2) no more than 22 euros and 10 kilograms per parcel. Perhaps you have some experience on which delivery to choose to save money? How to be in such a situation so as not to overpay big money for tax?